Monday, February 14, 2011

lOlli lOves jOsie!!!!

Think you know Josie Stevens???

photo taken by Lisa Boyles

Josie Stevens is a real life Barbie doll. From magazine covers to being the muse for "pin-up" artists and video game characters, the Chicago born has done it all. Josie started out as a hair and make-up artist, working on film projects, album covers and posters. After dating guitarist Steve Stevens, the love birds married in 2008 and the rest is history. Make sure to watch her on E!’s Married to Rock!!!

Favorite things…………….

1. What’s your favorite lOlli swimmie? Too hard to choose, they are all adorbs!!! :)

2. Favorite flavor of ice cream? Strawberry

3. Favorite vacation spot? Hawaii for sun, Palm Springs for a chill weekend, Vegas for partying, Tokyo for shopping & the UK for a bit of everything!

4. Favorite cartoon? The Smurfs

5. Favorite color? Sparkle? hehe.. ok, pink!

6. Favorite dessert? I cant resist Carrot Cake :)

7. Favorite food? Italian or french fries

8. Favorite movie? Thats a tough one! I never get tired of Showgirls, gangster movies (Scarface, Casino, Goodfellas), B movies (Reform School Girls!) & 70s blaxploitation (Sugar Hill! the old one, not the new one) :) I also cant seem to change the channel whenever Friday is on. "I got mind control over Deebo!!" haha...

9. Favorite Disney movie? The Little Mermaid

10. Favorite accessory? at the moment- clip on tails & spiked or furry cuffs

11. Favorite Sanrio character? I love them all! Kuromi is extra cute I think...

12. Current obsession? Sweets themed anything- clothes, shoes, accessories, nails...

13. Cake or cupcake? Cupcake!

14. Guilty pleasure? I never feel guilty about pleasure :)

15. Perfect day? Any day I get to spend with my hubby, friends & family being silly & having fun.

16. Something we don’t know about you? I love to read! At least 1 or 2 books a week.

17. When did you start collecting hello kitty trinkets? As long as I can remember... I know my first one was a hard plastic HK doll, about a foot tall that spoke when you pulled a string.

18. What can you not live without? My hubby :) and makeup, haha.

19. What is always in your purse? $, keys, candy, lipgloss, powder, perfume, sunglasses & anti-bacterial hand wipes.

20. If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you ask them? Hmm... there are so many amazing, interesting people to choose from... I would love to have met Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, Charles Bukowski, Mae West, Jimi Hendrix... see here I go! I would just listen to whatever wisdom they were willing to share!

thanks jOsie! lOlli just lOves ya ta bits


Monday, February 7, 2011

he did it again..................

jams jams jams.......... i'm really lOvin' this mix mr. jay!!!
great cause... great music...... get yours

what a SURPRISE!!!!

heheheeeeeeee........... chinese outfits!
SO sweet... julie dOll
wOrld of colOr!!!!

what a funtastical SUNday!!! not only did i get to see Mickey & Minnie celebrate Lunar New Year but i got to meet a new friend too =) xoxo

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

what i'm listening to...........

on my cOOl fisher price!!!
... altered images: insects ...


ohhhhhh yes............. i gOt a new prezzie!!! a 1978 fisher price recOrd player!!!!

happy new year!!!!

wishing everyone a year full of great health, prosperity, and butterflies & rainbOws!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

so long winter............ feels like spring time

sandy piggies...

tasty shabu shabu

had SO much fun with my canadians this week............. hOpe they come back soon =(

SNEAK PEAK................ yippi skippi

hOOray........ here's a tasty lil' tid bit of our new site!
check back on VALENTIMES DAY!!!